After getting a lot of requests from our valuable users, Hacking Palace presents new latest UC Browser handler mod for symbian devices (S60v5). You may know that nowadays Handler apps are becoming more and more popular because of its amazing features. I have added some more features than other java JAR apps have (they have no much support). With this app, you can use your own proxy, Realhost server, Host address, or even a Reverse Proxy address. You can Get free Internet access in your area. It can also help you to get rid of Download and Browse restrictions on you by the operator. Now Download and Browse Anonymously! You can also change your user agent. Thus Facebook Gmail like sites can be viewed like that like PC and you will get a great PC like experience. If you are not a newbie to this you may be noticed that Handler apps are very rare for Symbian Devices. That's why users requested me. When I searched on google, I got was an old version UCWEB 6.5 ( too old). You can download it from below.)
Add Front Query, BackQuery and MiddleQuery
Filter any characters from URL
Add Port to non-port URL
Include HTTP Proxy, Host or Real Host (with Protected proxies also supported)
Take Screen Shot of App
- Custom Server Address
- Change User Agent (Custom)
- Enjoy High speed Browsing+ Downloading
- Use Reverse IP and Proxy (NEW)
- Option to avoid Operator Tricks on Downloading
and much more...
Search tags: uc browser, uc 8.2, symbian handler, uc 8.2 handler for symbian s60v5, uc sis handler, 2012 june trick, july tricks, wrrking new handler mods for symbian
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