Download UC Browser 8.4 (unofficial) handler for JAVA Mobiles. Using this modded app, you can change FrontQuery, BackQuery Custom Server etc. so that
you can Get free Internet access in your area. It can also help you on Download and Browse restrictions on you by the operator. Now Download and Browse Anonymously! You can also change your user agent. Thus Facebook Gmail like sites can be viewed like that like PC and you will get a great PC like experience.
Add Front Query, BackQuery and MiddleQuery
Filter any characters from URL
Add Port to non-port URL
Include HTTP Proxy, Host or Real Host (with Protected proxies also supported)
Take Screen Shot of App
- Custom Server Address
- Change User Agent (Custom)
- Enjoy High speed Browsing+ Downloading
and much more...
When it works, ofcourse it is working on my phone. for comments suggestions message me on gab.celestial@gmail.com, and like this..
how can i use free internet plz help.. I Live in UAE